Welcome to the website of mixed up words!
1.Nuck Chorris/ Chuck Norris.      Roundhouse kick to the face.
 Kurger Bing/ Burger King.         EAT!
 keechs/ cheeks.             squez them!
 barrit/rabbit.            squez its fluff!
 tham/ math.                    confuse it!
nubby/ bunny.             squez its baby fluff  
 merax/ Remax.         somewhere to sit your cheeks under a roof.
 barstucks/ Starbucks.     get your cheeks addicted to coffee.
 fafesway/safeway.       buy your cheeks the food and drug that they need!
 looc/cool.               what your cheeks are when they wear sweet sunglasses.
 beycoard/ keyboard.      what you use when you type in SQUEZ!
 pals/ slap.                 what you do in training to squez.
 jinja/ninja.         wannabe chubs.
pomcuter/computer.        something to entertain your cheeks.
 muso/ sumo                         person whose cheeks have way too much chub!
 merpission/ permission.    something my cheeks give to squez.
 koob/ book.           something your cheeks believe and read.
cosser/ soccer.       you can kick someones cheeks.